So, with the theme in mind, I hope you enjoy the picture below. My housemate took its picture earlier with a macrolens. We thought it was a very strange looking spider, with lots of odd shaped bumps on it's body. When we looked at the picture on the computer later, we learned that the "bumps" were actually alive!!!!
The thing that I love about Africa, and travel in many parts of the developing world, is that it wakes you up. Most people in the U.S. have a realitively comforatable life. For many people here though, daily life is very different. Not only do I feel inspired by nature and the resiliancy of the people, but I also feel more affirmed in my desire to live simply and minimize all the things that I don't really need.
Tonight I fly home. One more adventure as we travel to Nairobi and I will be back. Graland students, I hope to see you all again soon- it has been a pleasure to blog with you all!